Another Update

26 Aug


Another Update

I almost hate to write this. I keep telling all six of my readers how I’ve messed up and spent when I shouldn’t have. I keep talking about my envelopes being out of sync.

I haven’t improved since my last update. I feel like I’ve almost regressed.
I’ve spent a lot of money that I should have applied to my car payment. I had a couple of emergencies come up that depleted what I had set aside for a furlough emergency, and I haven’t really been emphatic about saving or reducing my spending.

I wish I had an excuse. Or even a reason. I keep thinking about what’s going on. I don’t have an excuse or a reason. It’s just laziness and complacency. I haven’t prayed about my spending habits as much as I should. I fell off the wagon.

Now, my fall wasn’t too hard. I still have most of my emergency fund. But the way I’m living financially is just not working. I’m not working my support system like I should. Oh, and I’m finding a rationale behind my increased spending!

I’ve decided that I’m going to give myself a little more spending money. The amount I was allowing myself was doable, but it was also setting myself up for failure. It’s not a good feeling to fail, so instead of setting a lofty goal that seems impossible to obtain or sustain for a long period of time, I’m going to give myself a little grace.

I have a busy and expensive few weeks ahead of me. I’ve got two races this weekend. My brother is getting married in about two weeks, and then I have a church conference the next weekend. A whirlwind September for sure.

I would like to report that I went to a Braves game recently and did NOT buy myself apparel. That’s a huge accomplishment for me! And I’m okay, too! At least I know that I’m still making progress. I’m just not where I’d like to be yet.

I don’t know how much you can expect to see from me next month. I will definitely update you on my races, but it may be inconsistent.

I hope all of you have a wonderful rest of the summer. I pray that God blesses your finances beyond measure. And I believe that His plan is working through each of us.

How do you get back on the wagon? How do you evaluate your goals?

Share your thoughts here!

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